The Internet Arcade has been hard at work building a browser-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s.  Containing hundreds of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade provides research, comparison, and entertainment in the realm of the Video Game Arcade.

Internet Arcade

Most games are playable in some form, although some are useful more for verification of behavior or programming due to the intensity and requirements of their systems.

Play 900 Classic Arcade Games In Your Browser Now


Using X-Arcade:

You'll notice under each game it says "No Gamepad Detected, push a button to use it."  Please ignore this message. The X-Arcade is recognized as keyboard, not a gamepad. 

For older X-Arcades, make sure to have NUM LOCK TURNED OFF. Please toggle it on/off if Player 1 Joystick is not functioning.

Configuring Internet Arcade Browser With X-Arcade

The X-Arcade is already per-configured for most games. The start buttons should start the game and the pinball buttons on the front of your controller should add coins.

If you are having an issue with getting a button/joystick assignment, after a game starts, you can change the controls for any game by simply pushing the "Tab" key while a game is already running to access the controls menu. The Input (general) option allows controller settings to be applied to all games. Input (this game) overrides the general input settings and adds custom controller settings for just the game being used. 

Pick the control you wish to change (Player 1 up, or Player 1 Button 1), then press enter on your keyboard, then press the joystick or button on X-Arcade.  It's that simple. You can change for each game or globally.

We cannot provide technical support for these games and cannot guarantee the duration of their availability.

Below are a suggested collection of games that run at proper speed in a powerful browser. (Firefox is currently the fastest environment, although other browsers should work as well.)

Images of Marquees and Snapshots of in-game screens come from the Progetto Snaps collection,
who have spent years creating impeccable support materials for the world of emulation.

[Image: The Internet Archive]

We cannot provide technical support for these games and cannot guarantee the duration of their availability.